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As a member of the Marine Corps family in Kentucky, all regular, reserve, JROTC and veteran Marine Corps units, as well as individual Marines in genuine need, may be eligible for administrative, logistical, and financial assistance. All requests for same are carefully vetted and referred to the Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky (MCCCK) Executive Committee for consideration. Should you or your organization be in need of administrative or logistical support offered by the MCCCK, it is suggested that you communicate same to the MCCCK by completing the e-mail form found in the “ABOUT US” section and “Contact” page of this site. All requests for financial assistance should be documented on either the below form and submitted to the MCCCK as directed, or on the downloadable “MCCCK Request for Financial Support” form linked below and submitted to the MCCCK as either an attachment to an e-mail addressed to or by regular mail addressed to MCCCK, PO Box 355, Prospect, KY 40059. Thank you.

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MCCCK Request for Financial Support

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