Lexington, Kentucky; November 10, 2015: Once again, Kentucky Marines have answered the call in support of their wounded brethren and their families, through a $100,000 challenge donation to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund (www.SemperFiFund.org). This challenge donation was matched dollar-for-dollar by the Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation (GoDaddy.com), resulting in a net contribution of $200,000. Since 2008, the Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky (MCCCK) has generated over $770,000, either directly or indirectly, in support of the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund, for which the entire Marine Corps community in Kentucky should be justifiably proud. On December 10, 2015, a symbolic check reflecting this wonderful donation was presented to Ms. Kathy Huck, Volunteer Representative – Kentucky, Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund, by Mr. Houston Hills, Jr., President, MCCCK and Mr. Russell B. Scott, Jr., Former MCCCK President (2001-2002) at an informal ceremony. Our most sincere gratitude to the wonderfully generous Marines and Friends of the Corps, who exemplify the MCCCK motto “Marines Serving Marines.”